Avian Visual Cognition


Edited and Published by Dr. Robert G. Cook
Department of Psychology
Tufts University

In cooperation with Comparative Cognition Press
(September, 2001)

Table of Contents

Birds, Brains, and Bits
Robert Cook - Tufts University

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Evolution of the Avian Visual System
Scott Husband & Toru Shimizu - University of South Florida

Development of Pecking in Ring Doves
Peter Balsam & James D. Deich - Barnard College of Columbia University

Hierarchical Stimulus Processing in Pigeons
Robert G. Cook - Tufts University

Object Recognition
Kimberly Kirkpatrick - University of York

Stimulus Control in Complex Arrays
Michael E.Young  &  Edward A. Wasserman - Southern Illinois University & University of Iowa

Attentional Processes in Compound Stimulus Processing by Pigeons
Jennifer E. Sutton & William A. Roberts- University of Western Ontario

Avian Visual Attention in Science and Culture
Charles P. Shimp, Walter T. Herbranson, & Thane Fremouw - University of Utah

The Perception of Similarity
Donald S. Blough - Brown University

Motion Discrimination and Recognition
Winand H. Dittrich & Stephen E. G. Lea - University of Hertfordshire & University of Exeter

Learning Strategies in Matching-to-Sample
Anthony A. Wright - University of Texas Health Science Center

Anticipation and Short-Term Retention in Pigeons
Douglas S. Grant & Ronald Kelly - University of Alberta

Exemplar Memory and Discrimination
Sheila Chase & Eric G. Heinemann - Hunter College

Visual Categorization in Pigeons
Ludwig Huber - University of Vienna

Categorization & Acquired Equivalence
Peter J. Urcuioli - Purdue University

Landmark-Based Spatial Memory in Pigeons
Ken Cheng & Marcia Spetch - MacQuarie University  &  University  of Alberta

Birds' Judgments of Number and Quantity
Jacky Emmerton - Purdue University

Cognitive Strategies and Foraging in Pigeons
Patricia M. Blough - Brown University

Visual Control of Sexual Behavior
Chana K. Akins & Melissa Burns - University of Kentucky &  Texas Christian University

Chunking and Serially Organized Behavior in Pigeons, Monkeys and Humans
Herbert S. Terrace - Columbia University

Imitation in Animals: Evidence, Function, and Mechanisms
Tom Zentall & Chana Akins - University of Kentucky

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