Avian Visual Cognition

Entire Set of Printable Figures For

Stimulus Control in Complex Visual Arrays - Young & Wasserman

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Figure 1.

                    Different                                                    Same


Figure 2.

                    Different                                                       Same


Java applet can't be printed

Figure 3.

     16 icons X 1 copy (Different)                            8 icons X 2 copies


            4 icons X 4 copies                                    2 icons X 8 copies


        1 icon X 16 copies (Same)

Figure 4.

Figure 5.

0D/16S (Same)  2D/14S


4D/12S    8D/8S


12D/4S    14D/2S


16D/0S (Different)


Figure 6.

Figure 7.

13-1-1-1    10-3-2-1


7-5-3-1    4-4-4-4


Figure 8.

Entropy calculator can't be printed.

Figure 9.

Java applet can't be printed.


Java applet can't be printed.

Figure 10.

Figure 11.

Figure 12.