Conference on Comparative Cognition
March 17 to March 20, 1994
All meetings and receptions held at the Melbourne Oceanfront Holiday
Thursday. March 17, 1994
- 5-6pm, Welcome after check-in
8-9 pm, 5-min talks , Data Blitz, Chair: Ed Wasserman
- Mark Bouton & James Nelson. Effect of Context on Inhibition Arising
From Serial and Simultaneous Feature-Negative Discriminations.
- Robert G. Cook. Dynamic form perception.
- Suzanne MacDonald. Do marmoset monkeys minimize time or distance travelled
while foraging?
- Mark Rilling & Mark Warner. Directing the pigeon's spatial attention
across contours.
- Janice N. Steirn & Janice E. Weaver. Common coding through nonhedonic
differential outcomes.
- Jerry Cohen & Janet Murray. Can rats chunk in the radial arm maze?
- Robert Batsell. US Preexposure and retention of taste aversions.
- Robert C. Bolles & Michael E. Wilson. Discrimination learning with
delayed reinforcement.
- Chana Akins & Michael Domjan. Topographical changes in sexually
conditioned behavior as a function of the CS-US interval.
9:00-10:00 pm, 30-min talks, Theory of Instrumental Learning, Chair:
Ron Weisman
- A. Dickinson. Actions and habits: variations in the motivational control
of instrumental performance with extended training.
- B. Balleine. Mechanisms of incentive learning in instrumental outcome
Friday. March 18, 1994
4:00-6:00 pm, 30-min talks, Temporal and Spatial Cognition, Chair:
Ron Weisman
- Paula Durlach. How do rats tell time?
- Gregor Fetterman, Leon Dreyfus. The perception of temporal relations
by pigeons and people
- Marcia L. Spetch. Characteristics of spatial landmark learning
- Bill Roberts, Todd Macuda. Hierarchical organization and chunking in
rat spatial memory.
8:00-10:00 pm, 30-min talks, Associative learning I, Chair: Mark Bouton
- John Pearce, A. Aydin. Similarity and discrimination learning
- Andy Baker. Superconditioning, or perhaps it's contrast, in contingency
- Charles Flaherty, Cynthia Coppotelli & Colin Mitchell. Selective
Associations in Anticipatory Contrast?
- R.A. Boakes. Contextual factors in food aversion learning
Saturday, March 20, 1994
4:30-6:00 pm, 30-min talks, Associative learning II, Chair: Mark Bouton
- Ralph R. Miller, R. Cole & R. Barnet. Conditioned inhibition revisited
- Geoffrey Hall. Mechanisms of perceptual learning.
- Wayne Ludvigson. Now that S-R psychology is back, what have we learned?
7:30-9:30 pm, 30-min talks, Classification of exemplars, Chair: Ed
- N.J. Mackintosh, C.H. Bennet, M.R.F. Aitken, S. Wills, & A. Maldonado.
Peak shift and prototypes in categorization.
- Ron Weisman, M. Negovan, S. Ito, & D. Mewhort. Neural network models
for the categorization of pitches.
- Shelia Chase & Eric G. Heinemann. An exemplar theory of pattern
9:30-10:00 pm, 30-min talk, Survival of the discipline, Chair: Ron
- Edward Wasserman. Strategies for re-vitalizing the field of comparative
10:00 pm - 1:00 am. Party time
Sunday. March 21, 1994
9:00-10:00 am, 30-min talks, Comparative Cognition, Chair: Marcia Spetch
- Sarah T. Boysen. Porkbelly cognition: New investments toward a comparative
10:10-12:10 noon. Coding Processes, Chair: Marcia Spetch
- Thomas R. Zentall, Lou M. Sherburne & Karen L. Roper. The problem
of 'instructions' in animal memory research.
- Stephen B. Fountain & James D. Rowan. Coding of hierarchical organization
in rat and human serial-pattern learning.
- Karyl B. Swartz, Sharon A. Himmanen & H.S. Terrace. Strategies
for learning and executing lists by list-sophisticated monkeys.
- David MacEwen. Coding strategy depends on retention interval: Utilization
of dual coding strategies with compound stimuli.