The International
Conference on Comparative Cognition.
March 20 to March 23, 1997

All meetings and receptions held in the meeting and reception
rooms of the Hilton OceanFront Hotel, Melbourne, Florida.
1997 CO3 Program.
Thursday, March 20
4:30 PM to 6:00 PM Welcome Reception
7:00 PM to 10:20 PM--Mark Bouton, Chair.
- Welcome. Ron Weisman, Chair of the Steering Committee.
5-min papers.
Auditory Discrimination and Production.
- Louise Berry, York University, Suzanne MacDonald, York
University, Chris Sturdy, Queen's University. Tone discrimination in common
marmosets (Callithrix jacchus jacchus).
- Jill Goldman, Suzanne MacDonald, York University. Intra-
family differences in common marmoset (Callithrix jacchus jacchus) spontaneous
and response vocalizations.
- Leslie Phillmore, Chris Sturdy, Ron Weisman, Queen's
University. Auditory distance perception in songbirds.
- Chris Sturdy, Leslie Phillmore, Ron Weisman, Queen's
University. Note order production in the songs of zebra finches.
5-min question period.
Associative processes.
- Jesse E. Purdy, Southwestern University. Do fish sign-
track, goal-track, or simply swim around and eat?
- Nob Kawai, Kwansei Gakuin University. Signalled avoidance
learning in the crayfish (Procambarus clarkii) in two modes of responding.
- Michael F. Brown, Constance Lambert, Timothy Curley,
Daniel McKeon, Brian Lebowitz, Villanova University. Delayed conditional
discrimination performance in honey bees.
- Lisa M. Gunther, Zöe Fletcher-Haynes, Dennis Consorte,
Ralph Miller, SUNY-Binghamton. The contingency effect revisited: Signaling
the CS alleviates the deficit.
- Aaron P. Blaisdell, Lisa M. Gunther, Ralph R. Miller,
SUNY- Binghamton. Recovery from blocking through deflation of the blocking
- James Denniston, SUNY-Binghamton, Helena Matute, Deusto
University, Spain, Ralph R. Miller, SUNY- Binghamton. Blocking in humans
using conditioned suppression.
5-min question period.
Choice behavior.
- Hernan I. Savastano, SUNY-Binghamton. Choice between
delayed rewards obeys a difference rule.
- Thomas S. Critchfield, Elliott Paletz, Kenneth MacAleese,
Auburn University. Choice in comparative perspective: Do humans and animals
integrate punishment similarly?
- Janice N. Steirn, Georgia Southern University, The effect
of order of presentation of premise pairs on performance of a transitive
inference task with differential value transfer controlled.
5-min question period
10-min break.
Temporal control.
- Jennifer Higa, Lynn Talton, John Staddon, Duke University.
An experiment on temporal processing in goldfish (Carassius auratus).
- Jonathon Crystal, Brown University. Nonlinearities in
the perception of temporal intervals.
- Russell M. Church, Donna M. Lacourse, Brown University.
Temporal anticipation.
- Kim Kirkpatrick, Russell M. Church, Brown University.
The role of multiple behaviors in timing intervals.
- Angelo Santi, Lianne Stanford, James Coyle, Wilfrid Laurier
University. Visual and auditory signals produce different response biases
in pigeons' memory for event durations: Auditory signals produce choose-
long errors.
5-min question period.
Spatial Control.
- Bill Roberts, Laura Hogarth, University of Western Ontario.
Landmark learning by rats on the radial maze.
- Nancy Innis, Greg Neeley, University of Western Ontario.
Performance vectors and maze performance: A test of Tolman's theory.
- Marcia Spetch, Debbie Kelly, University of Alberta. Pigeons'
spatial search in images of an outdoor scene: Transfer across perspectives.
- Maria Agnes, York University, Suzanne MacDonald, York
University, Spatial memory in orangutans (Pongo pygmaeus).
- Stephanie Gibeault, Suzanne MacDonald, York University.
Vocalizations in foraging Western Lowland gorillas (Gorilla gorilla gorilla)
5-min question period.
Time, place, and number.
- James Coyle, Angelo Santi, Wilfrid Laurier University.
The effect of training and test delay interactions on pigeons' memory for
time and number.
- Jason A. R. Carr, Donald M. Wilkie, University of British
Columbia. A characterization of the timing strategy employed by rats in
an interval time-place learning task.
- Donald M. Wilkie, Jason A. R. Carr, University of British
Columbia. Time-place behavior in humans.
5-min question period.
Object discrimination.
- Jack P. Hailman, University of Wisconsin and Archbold
Biological Station, Glen E. Woolfenden, University of South Florida and
Archbold Biological Station, Elizabeth D. Hailman, University of Wisconsin.
Peculiarities of an object-constancy in the Florida scrub-jay (Aphelocoma
- Sheri Reid, Marcia Spetch, University of Alberta. Object
recognition in pigeons.
- Jerry Cohen, Renai Kugler, Amanda Matejicek, University
of Windsor. Object equivalencies due to concurrent object discriminations
in rats.
5-min question period.
Friday, March 21
9:00 AM to 12:00 Noon--Marcia Spetch, Chair.
5-min papers.
Social learning.
- Chana K. Akins, University of Kentucky. Determining the
nature of the sexually conditioned response.
- Michael Brazas, University of South Florida, Toru Shimizu,
University of South Florida, Species discrimination in the zebra finch.
- Stuart R. Ellins, Leslie M. Johnson, California State
University, San Bernardino. Social transmission of conditioned food aversions
and food preferences in coyotes.
- Bruce Moore, Dalhousie University. Observational conditioning.
- Stan Kuczaj, University of Southern Mississippi, Mark
Xitco, NRaD, John Gory, Southern Methodist University. When and why do
dolphins point?
5-min question period.
Drugs and behavior.
- Jonathan Toth, Linda Parker, Wilfrid Laurier University.
Effect of MK-801 on amphetamine-induced conditioned place preference.
- Erin R. Miller, Chris Newland, Auburn University. Risk-
assessment of methyl mercury on learning and memory.
- Meredith Jones, Marc Williams, James M. Johnston, L.
Paul Waggoner, Jan Jackson, Teresa Boussom, Auburn University. Determination
of the canine odor detection signature for NG smokeless powder.
5-min question period
10-min snack break.
25-min papers
Drugs and behavior.
- Stanley J. Weiss, American University, Leigh V. Panlilio,
Charles W. Schindler, Addiction Research Center, NIDA. Drug self-administration
and conventional reinforcers: Some functional comparisons.
- Shepard Siegel, Lorraine Allan, McMaster University.
Drug addiction and the McCollough Effect.
Reinforcement processes.
- Charles Flaherty, Anna Greenwood, Colin Mitchell, Rutgers
University. Does cognition precede emotion in successive negative contrast?.
- Donald Blough, Brown University. Why does context reinforcement
reduce discriminative accuracy?
3:30 PM to 7:15 PM--Ed Wasserman, Chair.
25-min papers
Perceptual processes.
- Francisco Donis, Central Connecticut State University.
Orientational line anisotropy in pigeons.
- Ron Weisman, Chris Sturdy, Doug Mewhort, Queen's University,
Mitch Njegovan, UC Davis. Auditory perception in songbirds: Timing isn't
everything but isolation is.
Memory and retrieval processes.
- Mark E. Bouton,James B. Nelson, University of Vermont,
Juan M. Rosas, University of Pennsylvania. Paradox Lost: Generalization
gradients that flatten over time and their implications for a context-change
account of forgetting.
- Pat Blough, Brown University, From controlled to automatic
memory search in pigeons.
15-min snack break.
- Ralph R. Miller, Lisa M. Gunther, James C. Denniston,
Aaron P. Blaisdell, SUNY-Binghamton. The comparator hypothesis: Current
- Linda Parker, Wilfrid Laurier University. Conditioned
rejection responses: A measure of conditioned taste aversions.
- Bob Batsell, Southern Methodist University, Robert Boakes,
University of Sydney. Retention of ingestional aversions.
Saturday, March 22
3:00 PM to 7:15 PM--Ron Weisman, Chair.
25-min papers
Categorization and abstraction.
- Maria T. Phelps, Donald M. Wilkie, University of British
Columbia. Categorical perception of "morphs".
- E. A. Wasserman, M. E. Young, University of Iowa. Abstraction
in people and pigeons.
- Charles Shimp, Thane Fremouw, Walter Herbranson, University
of Utah. Optimal decision rules: A model for how pigeons categorize naturalistic
- Robert G. Cook, Jeff Katz, Brian Cavoto, Tufts University.
Same-different discrimination in pigeons.
15-min snack break.
Primate cognition.
- H. S. Terrace, Elizabeth Brannon, Columbia University.
Serial learning in monkeys: Inferences based on quantity.
- Sally Boysen, Valerie A. Kuhlmeier, Ohio State University.
Attribution and representational flexibility by chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes).
Brain and behavior.
- Toru Shimizu, University of South Florida. Evolution
of the vertebrate forebrain: When, how, and why?
- Nestor A. Schmajuk, Catalin Buhusi, Duke University,
Jeff Gray, Institute of Psychiatry (London, UK). The neuropsychology of
latent inhibition: A neural network approach.
10:00 PM to 1:00 AM Party
Lorraine Allan, McMaster University
M.E. Bitterman, University of Hawaii at Manoa
Alexia Bowers, University of South Florida
Marc Branch, University of Florida
Patricia A. Couvillon, University of Hawaii at Manoa
Scott Husband, University of South Florida
Debbie Kelly, University of Alberta
Valerie Kuhlmeier, The Ohio State University
Donna Lacourse, Brown University
Alliston Reid, Wofford College
Fred Stollnitz, National Science Foundation.
Karyl Swartz, Lehman College, CUNY
Rob Shumaker, Smithsonian Institution
Lynn Talton, Duke University
70 participants