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Publications by Angelo Santi (7 found):
Miki, A. & Santi, A. (2005). The perception of empty and filled time intervals by pigeons. THE QUARTERLY JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY, 58B, 31-45.
Hope, C. & Santi, A. (2004). Pigeons' memory for number of events: Effects of intertrial interval and delay interval illumination. Learning and Motivation, 35, 348-370.
Santi, A., Hornyak, S. & Miki, A. (2003). Pigeons' memory for empty and filled time intervals signaled by light. Learning and Motivation, 34, 282-302.
Miki, A. & Santi, A. (2001). Pigeons? timing of an arbitrary and a naturalistic auditory stimulus: Tone versus cooing. Behavioural Processes, 53, 103-111.
Santi, A., Coppa, R. & Ross, L. (2001). Effects of the dopamine D2 agonist quinpirole on time and number processing in rats. Pharmacology, Biochemistry and Behavior, 68, 147-155.
Santi, A. & Hope, C. (2001). Errors in pigeons? memory for number of events. Animal Learning & Behavior, 29, 208-220.
Ross, L. & Santi, A. (2000). The effects of estrogen on temporal and numerical processing in ovariectomized female rats. Psychobiology, 28, 394-405.
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