Exploration and Navigation Using Hierarchical Cognitive Maps

Nestor Schmajuk1 and  Horatiu Voicu 2
 1 Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences, Duke University
2 Institute for Intelligent Systems, University of Memphis

Chapter Outline & Navigation

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Appendix A: Cognitive Map Memory Size

Appendix B: Decision Time

Appendix C: Description of the Associative Network

Appendix D: Basic Procedures

Appendix E: Updating the Upper Level Map

Appendix A: Cognitive Map Memory Size

The use of a hierarchical cognitive map to represent an environment with N places, reduces the number of connection values in a nonhierarchical map to a considerable smaller number (see Voicu & Schmajuk, 2001b).  Figure 1B illustrates a canvas for an environment subdivided in N (36) places, and Figure 3 illustrates how the environment is represented in a nonhierarchical cognitive map. The cognitive map represents all the connections between a given place in the environment with all other possible places. Because the connection of a place with itself (always equal to 1) is not stored in the map, the number of connections equals N2 - N. That is 1260 connections for an environment with 36 places.

Assuming a WM capacity W = 6, then the number of levels needed to represent this environment is given by L = log N/ log W = log 36 / log 6 = 2. Figure 4 shows how the original environment is represented in a hierarchical cognitive map in which the canvas is subdivided in 6 regions with n (6) places each. Now, instead of representing all the connections between a given place with all other possible places in the environment, we represent the connections (a) between all places in a region plus the connections (b) between places at the borders of that region with those places in neighboring regions that are adjacent to them.

If n (6) is the number of regions, the number of places in a region is N/n (6), and the number of connections between places inside the region is (N/n)2 - N/n. That is, for an environment with N (36) places, subdivided in n (6) regions, the number of connections is 30 in each region. The number of connections at the borders between regions is calculated as follows. The 4 places located at each corner of a region have 5 connections to places located in neighboring regions (see Figure A1), thus the total number of corner connections is 20. Non-corner places located at the borders of a region have only 3 connections, thus the total number of non-corner connections for a region with 6 places is given by the number of non-corner places (6 – 4 = 2) multiplied by 3, i.e., 6. Therefore, the total number of connections at the borders of a region with 6 places surrounded by other regions of the same size is 26. Therefore, the total number of connections for the lower level is given by [(N/n)2 - N/n] ´ n + 26 ´ n = 180 + 156 = 336.

Figure A1. Numbers represent the number of connections from a place in one region to adjacent places in other regions.

Once the number of connections at the lower level have been calculated, we go to the second level and represent the connection between regions. Applying the same rule we applied before, this number is n2 - n. For n (6) regions, the number of connections for the second level is 30.

Finally, we need to connect the representation of each region in the second level with their respective places in the first level (see Figure 4). For n (6) with N/n (6) that is 36 connections. Therefore, the total number of connections in the hierarchical map is 336 + 30 + 36 = 402, much smaller than the 1260 connections needed to represent the same environment in a nonhierarchical cognitive map. However, as shown in Figure A1, no region in this environment is surrounded by other regions, and therefore, the number of connections (b) at the borders of a region is smaller. This number is 82 for the environment represented in Figure A1. The total number of connections in this case is 328.

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