I. Introduction
We have been studying motion perception
in birds because we believe that understanding motion is
critically important to vision in general and to avian vision in particular.
The chapter starts by explaining why. A different kind of motion studies
seem to have captured people's imagination since early times and Frans
Snyders' amazing painting depicting birds in all types of motion from the
beginning of the 17th century (Museo del Prado, Madrid) seems a nice example
of people's growing fascination by nature and the exotic at the time. As
obvious in this painting as well, unfortunately, the simple description
of positional change as "motion" seems very ambiguous in living animals
- what is moving relative to what - eye, head, body, or objects in the
outside world? Section
II deals with this question. Once we have solved this question,
we can ask how well birds do at recognizing that objects in the outside
world are moving, and that question is taken up in Section
III. Then, in Section
IV, we consider how well birds can discriminate between different moving
objects, or different kinds of motion of the same object. Section
V becomes more theoretical: we argue that discriminating motion or
moving objects involves a special kind of concept discrimination, an idea
that has been discussed in other chapters of this book. Finally in
VI we draw some tentative conclusions - chiefly that much more research
needs to be done, but that the way - in terms of conceptual and technological
conditions - is now open to do it.
An ecological perspective
Moving stimuli are among the most common types of stimuli encountered
by birds. Not only are most environmental stimuli embedded in a moving
flow field due to the bird's own movements, but also the other objects
or animals themselves are more or less constantly in motion. Of course
there are times, for example during foraging for seeds, when the fixation
of static objects becomes more prominent than that of moving stimuli. But
these are exceptions.
This chapter discusses birds' perception of objects that are moving
relative to their own eyes. While we will include some empirical material
from a variety of species of bird, as in many other chapters of this volume,
much of the experimental work has been done on relatively few species -
the great majority of it on pigeons, with a significant additional contribution
from experiments on chickens, especially experiments using imprinting techniques
on newly-hatched chicks.
It can be assumed that each species of bird's reactions to moving stimuli
have been strongly affected by evolutionary pressures to perceive motion
and recognize moving stimuli. Some of those pressures will be the same
for all or most species of birds, but some will be specific to particular
species. The modern approach to avian cognition can be seen as an integrative
approach linking together such disciplines as animal learning, cognitive
science and behavioral ecology (see e.g. Cook 1993, Lea & Dittrich
1999). Obviously, birds have evolved so that their motion processing abilities
seem to match the circumstances of the restricted world (Umwelt)
in which they dwell (von Uexkull 1921). Therefore, a discussion of motion
discrimination and recognition, based on the current literature, has to
take into account the way in which these processes have been shaped by
the ecological demands and evolutionary requirements on birds in general,
and pigeons and chickens in particular. We open this chapter with a brief
discussion of some of the most important of the general requirements on
birds to perceive visual motion.
1. Predicting the future position of stimuli from information about
the current motion of stimuli clearly seems a most useful ability. It is
required by any bird that catches moving prey, whether insects in the air,
mammals on the ground, or fish under water; by any flying bird, which has
to judge its approach to a landing site (static absolutely, but moving
relative to the bird) so as to neither crash into it nor fall short of
it; and by any bird that has to avoid moving predators.
2. A most remarkable example of the role of motion discrimination and
recognition can be seen in some cases of insect camouflage. A moth resting
on the bark of a tree may be indistinguishable from other parts of the
tree to the search of a possible insect-eating bird as a matter of camouflage.
However, should the insect move the situation can take a dramatic change.
Camouflage is immediately broken by the moth's movement and the insect
can readily be detected by the bird. In formal perceptual terms, what is
happening is that the relative motion of the insect compared to the static
bark patterns is used to segment the bird's visual world into figure and
ground relationships.
can see that this principle works for humans, too. You can see this
by clicking
on this
link, and then clicking the "Fly" button on the page you
reach (this is part of an extensive website of visual phenomena provided
by Illusion
In humans we would describe the visual task for the organism as the
determination of a figure-ground relationship. Whether birds are faced
with a visual problem of the same nature remains to be seen. Nevertheless,
it seems very likely (and more formal evidence will be given later in the
chapter) that some birds have the ability to define and distinguish patterns
and objects using only motion information. Although most birds seem to
have high visual acuity, hawks, penguins and insectivorous birds are strictly
dependent on motion cues for detecting prey at more or less great distances.
Hawks can spot their small prey from distances of more than a few hundred
meters. Similarly, one is always surprised seeing a bird that sits on a
branch of a tree, suddenly flying to a particular point over a lake or
pond, pick up an insect, and return. In neither case would a motionless
object at such distances have been discriminated from the background. And
the fact that a lot of species that are hunted as potential prey, have
developed the behavior of 'freezing' as a very successful anti-predator
strategy, seems evidence in itself for the importance of motion information
in figure-ground discrimination. Neurophysiological evidence tends in the
same direction: it has long been known that there are cells in the pigeon
visual system that respond to relative motion between objects and background
(e.g., Frost & Nakayama, 1983).
3. The majority of birds have relatively little binocular overlap in
their visual fields. Yet they have an acute need to determine distances
to seen objects. Under monocular condition, motion (whether through flow
cues or parallax) is one of the best potential sources of distance information.
Next section: Retinal