A series of studies by Biederman and colleagues have indicated that geons may be the
fundamental local features of objects (Biederman, 1987; Biederman & Blickle, 1985;
Biederman, Ju, & Clapper, 1985). Kirkpatrick-Steger, Wasserman, and Biederman (1998) examined
whether geons are important to pigeons in recognizing line drawings. Pigeons were
first trained to discriminate among four drawings of a watering can, an iron, a desk lamp, and a sailboat using the
choice procedure. Each of the training stimuli contained four geons.
Altered Geons |
Type |
Can |
Handle |
Nozzle |
Spout |
Geon |
Geon |
Geon |
Once the pigeons had attained a high level of accuracy on the training
procedure, they were tested with versions of the objects in which one or
three components were deleted or a single component was moved away from
the other three. To examine the contribution of each individual component,
the effect of moving or deleting a geon was contrasted with the effect
of presenting the geon by itself. If an individual geon was particularly
important for object recognition, then there would be maintained accuracy
when the geon was presented alone and decremented accuracy when the geon
was deleted. Moving a geon serves as a contrast to deleting the geon, because
the geon is still present on the screen, but the location is altered relative
to the other three.
All four pigeons continued to discriminate the original
drawings at a high level of accuracy in
these tests. When a single geon was either moved
or deleted, there was no apparent effect on
recognition accuracy. In contrast,
deleting three geons produced a significant disruption in accuracy scores,
but performance was still above the chance level of 25%. The pattern of
results is consistent with studies of recognition of partial objects in
humans, where the principle of three-geon sufficiency is observed: If two
or three of an object's geons are present in the correct spatial organization,
then object recognition will occur as normal, but if only a single geon
is present, recognition suffers (Biederman, Ju, & Clapper, 1985).
Recognition-by-components (RBC; Biederman, 1987) predicts that the principle of
sufficiency will hold, provided that the spatial organization of the components
is preserved. This feature of RBC allows for recognition of objects, even
when they are partially occluded from view.
Inspection of the accuracy scores to the individual drawings in individual
birds revealed uniformly high performance to both the 1-moved and 1-deleted
drawings. On the other hand, accuracy scores to the individual 3-deleted
drawings were not uniform, as seen in the table below. For example, geons
such as the spout of the watering can, the knob of the iron, and the curved
sail of the sailboat were discriminated poorly when displayed alone. The
best-discriminated geons for each training object were the handle of the
watering can, the cord of the iron, the base of the desk lamp, and the
hull of the sailboat. While some geons produced fairly consistent results
across birds, others produced quite inconsistent results. For example,
the can of the watering can was responded to above chance in Birds 1 and
4, but responding was near 0% correct in the other two birds. The results
indicate that some geons may be especially distinctive and can activate
a stored representation of an object by themselves, while others may be
incapable of supporting accurate recognition alone.
Bird |
Retained Geon |
1 2 3 4 |
Watering Can 96.9* 78.1* 93.8* 78.1* |
Can 62.5* 0.0 12.5 75.0* |
Handle 75.0* 37.5 75.0* 75.0* |
Nozzle 62.5* 37.5 12.5 25.0 |
Spout 37.5 12.5 25.0 25.0 |
1 2 3 4 |
Iron 81.3* 96.9* 87.5* 68.8* |
Base 25.0 25.0 75.0* 62.5* |
Cord 50.0 75.0* 62.5* 75.0* |
Handle 0.0 62.5* 50.0 37.5 |
Knob 12.5 12.5 25.0 25.0 |
1 2 3 4 |
Desk Lamp 93.8* 93.8* 90.6* 93.8* |
Base 75.0* 87.5* 100.0* 75.0* |
Fixture 87.5* 50.0 50.0 37.5 |
Shade 75.0* 62.5* 50.0 87.5* |
Stem 62.5* 37.5 87.5* 75.0 |
1 2 3 4 |
Sailboat 100.0* 93.8* 81.3* 56.3* |
Sail 0.0 50.0 25.0 0.0 |
Hull 100.0* 100.0* 37.5 37.5 |
Mast 12.5 75.0* 0.0 12.5 |
Sail 75.0* 87.5* 50.0 37.5 |
The above results stand in contrast to Particulate feature theory (Cerella, 1986),
which predicts that the loss of any parts of an object would produce a
decrement in accuracy. The results do appear indicate that geons were important
for recognition (but they don't indicate that geons are the only important local features).
The fact that the principle of three-geon sufficiency (Biederman, 1987)
was apparent in pigeon's recognition capabilities lends further support to the notion
that geons are important componential units of objects.
Van Hamme, Wasserman, and Biederman (1992)
have provided an additional demonstration that geons may be fundamental components for object recognition in pigeons. They
trained pigeons to discriminate among four line drawings of objects, each of which had half of the
contours and vertices missing. The contour-deleted objects still contained sufficient information
for the parsing of the relevant geons at regions of concavity. When the pigeons were later tested
with objects that contained the complimentary set of contours, substantial generalization was observed.
These results are quite remarkable given that the complimentary-contour images contain none of the
local features present in the original images. Clearly, the pigeons must have learned more about the
contour-deleted objects than the strict pieces of contour. RBC would argue that the process that
mediates the recognition of complimentary-contour images is the same process that recognizes intact
images: provided that the geons and their spatial organizations can be determined from the more limited
contour and vertice information, then both a contour-deleted and its complimentary image will activate
the same structural description.
The fact that a subset of single geons were capable
of supporting accurate recognition when they were presented alone (3-deletion)
is somewhat problemmatic for RBC because
only limited featural information and no organizational information was
available in the 3-deleted drawings. The maintained accuracy with
single geons could be due to the use of only four training objects. In
this situation, there were several geons that were unique to particular
objects, which may have facilitated attention to the individual geons.
What remains to be determined is the relative importance of the components
and their spatial organization (see what/where experiment).
Next Section: Relative Importance of Geons and