Printing Chapters
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Because the figures in the pop up windows will not print (and in the case
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print those figures and captions.
Two options are available:
Print the HTML file containing all of the
chapter's figures by first clicking on the HTML link, then use your browser's print option. Some of the images have been resized to
help fit a variety of printers. A visual separator has been added between
figures. Note, however, that most printers will occasionally cut a
figure in two
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Download and view a PDF version
of the figures. For the latter you will need to have the Adobe
Acrobat reader on your system. Again some of the images have been
resized. A separator has been added between figures. This option
typically produces the least paper and guarantees that figures will
not be split across breaks, unlike the first method. A facility
for printing entire chapters may be added depending upon demand.
Evolution of the Avian Visual System
File or PDF File
Scott Husband & Toru Shimizu - University
of South Florida
Development of Pecking in Ring Doves
File or PDF File
Peter Balsam & James D. Deich - Barnard College of Columbia University
Hierarchical Stimulus Processing in Pigeons
HTML File or PDF File
Robert Cook - Tufts University
Object Recognition
File or PDF File
Kimberly Kirkpatrick - University of
Stimulus Control in Complex Arrays
File or PDF File
Michael E. Young & Edward
A. Wasserman - University of Iowa
Attentional Processes in Compound Stimulus
File or PDF File
Jennifer E. Sutton & William A. Roberts- University of
Western Ontario
Avian Visual Attention in Science and
or PDF File
Charles P. Shimp, Walter T. Herbranson, &
Thane Fremouw - University of Utah
The Perception of Similarity
File or PDF File
Donald S. Blough - Brown University
Motion Discrimination and Recognition
File or PDF File
Winand Dittrich & Stephen Lea - University of Hertfordshire
& University of Exeter
Learning Strategies
in Matching-to-Sample
File or PDF File
Anthony Wright - University of Texas Health Science Center
Anticipation and Short-Term Retention in Pigeons
File or PDF File
Douglas Grant & Ronald Kelly - University of Alberta
Exemplar Memory and Discrimination
File or PDF File
Sheila Chase & Eric Heinemann - Hunter College
Visual Categorization in Pigeons
File or PDF File
Ludwig Huber - University of Vienna
Categorization & Acquired
File or PDF File
Peter J. Urcuioli - Purdue University
Landmark-Based Spatial Memory in Pigeons
File or PDF File
Ken Cheng & Marcia Spetch - MacQuarie
University & University of Alberta
Birds' Judgments of Number and Quantity
File or PDF File
Jacky Emmerton - Purdue
Cognitive Strategies and Foraging in
File or PDF File
Patricia M. Blough - Brown University
Visual Control of Sexual Behavior
File or PDF File
Chana K. Akins & Melissa Burns - University
of Kentucky & Texas Christian University
Chunking and Serially Organized
Behavior in Pigeons, Monkeys and Humans
File or PDF File
Herb Terrace - Columbia University
Imitation in Animals: Evidence,
Function, and Mechanisms
File or PDF File
Tom Zentall & Chana Akins - University
of Kentucky
